GOAT Store разослал обновление об игре
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Thanks for sticking with us for the last few months. It has been rather quiet publicly, as we have been working through some bug issues with the engine lately and there isn't a ton to report. The bad news is that we still have one major bug that is causing the Dreamcast to crash as the game is loading. The good news is that we have isolated the issue in the code and are working on a fix for it now.
Once this is done, the rest of the game should fall into place quickly.
We do not want to give an exact date or even an estimate at this time about a production schedule as bugs that seem easy may end up being more difficult to locate and squash than expected, but rest assured we are working hard to ensure that we bring this game to your hands as quickly as possible!
We hope to have another update for you very soon!
Dan Loosen
GOAT Store Publishing
Краткое содержание можно обозначить так - баг, про который сообщалось ранее не исправлен, но работа ведётся в правильном направлении.
Никаких конкретных дат нам не называют.
Ждём хороших новостей.
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Официальная страница игры: http://www.goatstorepublishing.com/#slave