Храм Dreamcast > Технический раздел

[Извлечение данных из GDI образа] GDI Explorer

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Текущая версия v1.3.1.2 .

--- Цитировать ---History:
v1.2 to v1.3.0.1 (2010/09/07) :
- Fixed: Less memory consumption while extracting files
- Fixed: Clean up some parts of my code.
- Fixed: Doesn't count directories in session information frame.
- Fixed: Doesn't highlight Naomi bootfile in file list.
- Fixed: Crash while converting CDDA if no one has been found in a session.
- Added: Ask for a prefix while generating "sorttxt.txt" file (default "data\\").
- Added: Can decrypt a Naomi binary (need a PIC DES key per game) from
an external file or from a file inside a GDI game.
v1.3.0.1 - beta to v1.3.1.2 (2010/09/08) :
- Fixed: Some loading errors.
- Fixed: Clean up GDIUtils.
- Fixed: Create a folder "trackXX" while extracting a data track.
- Added: Open a save dialog box while extrating a file.
- Added: Auto-paste PIC DES key if presents in the clipboard.

--- Конец цитаты ---

Для моего недавнего релиза игры TNN Motorsports Hardcore Heat использовалась и эта программа .

Спустя почти полтора года обновление!
GDI Explorer - v1.4 beta

--- Код: ---v1.4 beta (2011/12/07):
 - Added: Now support reading compressed GDI archives (ZIP) but
          it can still not extract data from them.
 - Fixed: Cannot parse GDI file with tabulation chars.
 - Fixed: Unable to extract directories when their relative name
          is like another ones in an highest path.
 - Fixed: The 2 seconds pause at the end of each CD-DA tracks is
          not well removed.
 - Fixed: An extracted directory datetime do not match with iso
 - Fixed: File association does not support long filenames.
 - Fixed: The UI does not clean some fields when a loading error
 - Fixed: The right-click menu option "Convert all GDDA" appears
          even if there is no GDDA track.
 - Cleanup: UI's code and debugging information
--- Конец кода ---

Скачать эту полезную утилиту:
Сообщение автора: http://japanese-cake.livejournal.com/4291.html

Если у вас есть замечания и пожелания, то обязательно пишите автору или здесь на русском - я передам.


--- Код: ---v1.4 beta - hotfix (2013/03/02):
 - Fixed: Parsing GDI file which contains tabulation characters
--- Конец кода ---


GDROM Explorer v1.5.0

--- Код: ---v1.5.0 (2013/03/17):
 - Added: Multi image-formats support (.gdi, .bin and .iso).
 - Added: The application is resizable.
 - Added: User can cancel extraction/convertion operations.
 - Added: GDDA conversion from external file.
 - Added: Show the bootstrap as a file in the folder tree.
 - Added: Show folder information when the cursor is on an item.
 - Added: Explicit error messages when opening an image.
 - Fixed: Memory consumption overload.
 - Fixed: GDI file parsing errors (now covered by unit tests)
 - Fixed: Application crashed if the specified input file
          doesn't exist.
 - Fixed: No consistent file dialogs' paths.
 - Fixed: Minor parsing error with the ISO9660 file-system.
 - Fixed: Better DES key error handling.
 - Removed: Support of zipped archives.
 - Cleanup: Refactor most of the code
 - Testing: Add unit tests for data extraction and input file parsing operations.
--- Конец кода ---

Скачать: http://www.mediafire.com/file/rbzgbr67ql3lrr8/jc-gdrom-explorer-v1.5.0.zip

Источник: http://japanese-cake.livejournal.com/4903.html


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