Храм Dreamcast > Release scene and Rips
Наименования релизов
Да. Вот список их релизов:
--- Код: ---05.21.05 USA Capcom Vs SNK 2 PERFECT_SERIES xx/11 ps-capcomvssnk2.part01.rar 05.21.05-Capcom_Vs_SNK_2_USA_DC-PERFECT_SERIES
08.24.05 PAL Dead or Alive 2 PERFECT_SERIES xx/13 ps-deadoralive2.part01.rar 08.24.05-Dead_Or_Alive_2_PAL_DC-PERFECT_SERIES
05.22.05 PAL House of the Dead 2 PERFECT_SERIES xx/26 ps-houseofthedead2.part01.rar 05.22.05-House_Of_The_Dead_2_PAL_DC-PERFECT_SERIES
05.20.05 PAL Marvel vs Capcom 2 PERFECT_SERIES xx/09 ps-marvelvscapcom2.part01.rar 05.20.05-Marvel_Vs_Capcom_2_PAL_DC-PERFECT_SERIES
08.24.05 USA Sega Marine Fishing PERFECT_SERIES xx/06 ps-segamarinefishing.part01.rar 08.24.05-Sega_Marine_Fishing_USA_DC-PERFECT_SERIES
05.15.05 PAL Shenmue PERFECT_SERIES 4 CDs ps-shenmue-disc1.part01.rar ps-shenmue-disc2.part01.rar ps-shenmue-disc3.part01.rar ps-shenmue-disc4.part01.rar 05.15.05-Shenmue_PAL_DC-PERFECT_SERIES
05.15.05 PAL Shenmue 2 PERFECT_SERIES 4 CDs ps-shenmueii-disc1.part01.rar ps-shenmueii-disc2.part01.rar ps-shenmueii-disc3.part01.rar ps-shenmueii-disc4.part01.rar 05.15.05-Shenmue_2_PAL_DC-PERFECT_SERIES
08.24.05 PAL Soul Calibur PERFECT_SERIES xx/22 ps-soulcalibur.part01.rar 08.24.05-Soul_Calibur_PAL_DC-PERFECT_SERIES
08.25.05 USA The Typing of the Dead PERFECT_SERIES xx/11 ps-typingofthedead.part01.rar 08.25.05-The_Typing_Of_The_Dead_USA_DC-PERFECT_SERIES
--- Конец кода ---
Нужно название такого релиза ...
--- Код: ---:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:
| * popnmusic's presents: * |
: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :
| (O~to~i~re Dreamcast Sequencer) |
contact me on IRC (efnet server): popnmusic
~ ' ~ ' ~ ' ~ ' ~ ' ~ ' ~ ' ~ ' ~ ' ~ ' ~ ' ~ ' ~ ' ~ ' ~ ' ~ ' ~ ' ~
April 21, 20001
o Notes: This is a non-self-booting repack o
O~to~i~re Dreamcast Sequencer is an easy and fun way of achieveing
high-quality, professional MIDI sequences. With over 3000 musical
phrases included in this game to manipulate into different songs,
you have almost an endless amount of opportunity to create a
musical masterpiece. You can choose your background music loop, and
simply add effects and phrases VISUALLY into your music compilation
to create a new song every time. Once you learn the basic operation
of this title, creating new songs will become easier and easier. It
also includes a VERY nice tutorial on how to use the various
functions within the game, and even for the non-Japanese speaking
users, there is a tutorial available in English! O~to~i~re provides
a unique and simple way of creating MIDI sequences on your Sega
Dreamcast, and with use of the Dreamcast MIDI Interface Cable, you
can even attach your keyboard/paino to your Dreamcast in order to
create even more original pieces! The Mic Device also allows you to
record your voice, but unfortunately since MIDI does not support
digitized voice, it simply changes your voice recording into the
same frequency/pitch sound. Another great feature of this title, is
that it utilizes the Dreamcasts' Network features in order to allow
you, the user, to upload your songs to the internet for download!
So you won't have to just keep the songs on your Dreamcast, you will
actually be able to use them on your home PC~! (^c^)
*~Additional Information~*
Genre: Melody
Players: 1P
Memory Backup: 2 blocks
Peripherals: Mic Device, Dreamcast MIDI Interface Cable, Dreamcast Controller
Modem Functions: Yes
VGA Support: Yes
PuruPuru Pack: No
Discs: 1
____ ____ ___
| |\\ | | | | \\ / |
|___ | \\ | | | | \\/ |
| | \\ | | | | / |
|____ | \\| |__| |___| / o
~ ' ~ ' ~ ' ~ ' ~ ' ~ ' ~ ' ~ ' ~ ' ~ ' ~ ' ~ ' ~ ' ~ ' ~ ' ~ ' ~ ' ~
If you have a request, leave a text message with your request along
with some sort of appropriate contact information, and I will let you
know as soon as I can whether your request can be filled or not.
As always, if you have something that is not on this list, PLEASE
upload it to the FTP! (that way we'll all benefit accordingly)
| * created by popnmusic * |
: ~~~~~~~q(^-^)p~~~~~~~~ :
| x- this backup data is for informational purposes only -x |
--- Конец кода ---
Подкинь название такого релиза .
--- Код: -------------------------------------------------------------------------->
/-=-\\/-=-\\ ______ ______ ______ ______ /-=-\\/-=-\\/-=-\\/-=-\\/-=-\\
\\=-=/ = | __ \\ / __ \\ | __ \\ / __ \\ = \\=-=/\\=-=/\\=-=/\\=-=/
/-=-\\ = = | / \\ | | / \\ | | / \\ | | / \\ | = = /-=-\\/-=-\\/-=-\\/-=-\\
= = = | | / | | | | | | | / | | | | | = = = \\=-=/\\=-=/\\=-=/
= = = = | | / / | | | | | | / / | | | | = = = = 222 K K й
= = = = | |/ / | | | | | |/ / | | | | = = = = 2 2 K K/-=-\\
= = = | / | | | | | / | | | | = = = 2 K K \\=-=/
\\=-=/ = = | | | \\__/ | | | | \\__/ | = = \\=-=/ 2 K K/-=-\\
/-=-\\ = |__/ \\______/ |__/ \\______/ = /-=-\\2222 K K
-----------------------------Group News-------------------------------->
New to the Scene. Just want to say it is a pleasure being amongst
you all. We are mere newbies compared to you all. But with age comes
perfection. We bring to you a mighty fine rip. I hardly ever see
this game on the internet. It deserves a chance.
------------------------------Release Info------------------------------>
-=--=-Game-=-=-=- Silver (c) Sega
-=--=-Origin-=-=- USA - NTSC
-=--=-Filename-=- POPO-SILVER.001
-=--=-Released-=- June 23rd, 2001
-=--=-Format-=-=- DiscJuggler (CDI)
-=--=-CD Info -=- 30 Rars / 80 mins [1CD]
-=--=-Ripped-=-=- Downsampled Intro {see notes}
-----------------------------Rip Notes----------------------------------->
I downsampled the Intro movie. I downsampled the framerate, and
monoized the music. Other than that, the game is left intact. Nothing
else is ripped from the game.
------------------------------DC Release List---------------------------->
Num Game Title Origin
--- ---------- ------
001 Silver ALL/ALL
Gugla, Neil, Jizza, Esskay, Complayer, Craz and all my other peeps
I forgot to mention.
I'd also like to thank Echelon. Because, without them there would be no
inspiration. Also, I'd like to thank sega, for bringing us such
wonderful games. Even though you gave up on the system. Long live the
Sega Giants.
-------------------------[Popo - It Has Begun!]--------------------------->
--- Конец кода ---
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