Храм Dreamcast > Технический раздел
Форматы файлов
.bin , .exe исполняемые файлы
.adx CRI аудио файл (аналогичен sfa)
.afs файловая система формата adx (multiple adx audio files linked together)
.acx multiple adx audio files concatinated together (similar to afs)
.als adx file list (for creating .afs)
.nja ninja model file
.pvm dreamcast model files (power vr model)
.pvr dreamcast texture files (power vr texture format)
.san picture file by CRI
.sfa CRI sofdec audio (basically same as adx)
.sfd CRI sofdec movie and audio multiplexed file
.sfv cri mpeg sofdec video for dreamcast
.spr sprite file (contains pvr)
.str streaming file (for streaming movie or audio)
.tb sega tone bank file (for midi stuff)
.dps Dream Passport Score File
.lcd VMU Images
.bf архив
Вась, а что за такой формат ARC? Пробывал многими архиваторами, но ничего не выходи, либо файл открываеться пустой, либо выкидывает ошибку.
Скорее всего действительно архив, но специфический. Как называется и из какой игры ?
Из игры Time Stilkers, хотелось бы перевести ее.. Там много файлов в АРЦ, SWORD,FONT, итп.. Я думаю что там тексты и шрифты храняться.
Хмм... Глянул я внутрь SWORD.ARC
Действительно какой-то простой архив, но текста я в нём не нашёл
(click to show/hide)dst D:\\DREAMCAST_programs\\TRANSLATE\\SWORD.ARC
cp1 .tab
txx 00000004 13 (c03_kemuC.pvr)
txx 0000002C 14 (EDswd_c06A.pvr)
txx 00000050 2 ( H)
txx 00000054 14 (EDswd_c06B.pvr)
txx 00000078 2 ( H)
txx 0000007C 14 (EDswd_c07A.pvr)
txx 0000009C 2 ( T)
txx 000000A0 2 ( H)
txx 000000A4 14 (EDswd_c08A.pvr)
txx 000000C8 2 ( H)
txx 000000CC 14 (EDswd_c08B.pvr)
txx 000000F0 2 ( H)
txx 000000F4 12 (EDsw_c01.nsc)
txx 0000011C 12 (EDsw_c01g.nj)
txx 00000144 13 (EDsw_c01g.njm)
txx 0000016C 21 (EDsw_c01g_Camera0.njc)
txx 00000194 21 (EDsw_c01g_Camera0.njm)
txx 000001BC 12 (EDsw_c02.nsc)
txx 000001E4 21 (EDsw_c02g_Camera0.njc)
txx 0000020C 21 (EDsw_c02g_Camera0.njm)
txx 00000234 18 (EDsw_c02g_Null0.nj)
txx 0000025C 19 (EDsw_c02g_Null0.njm)
txx 00000284 19 (EDsw_c02g_Null0.njs)
txx 000002AC 23 (EDsw_c02g_tokeitou_R.nj)
txx 000002D4 24 (EDsw_c02g_tokeitou_R.njm)
txx 000002FC 19 (EDsw_c02k_kemuri.nj)
txx 00000324 20 (EDsw_c02k_kemuri.njm)
txx 0000034C 20 (EDsw_c02k_kemuri.njs)
txx 00000374 20 (EDsw_c02k_kemuri2.nj)
txx 0000039C 21 (EDsw_c02k_kemuri2.njm)
txx 000003C4 21 (EDsw_c02k_kemuri2.njs)
txx 000003E4 2 (@F)
txx 000003EC 20 (EDsw_c02k_kemuri3.nj)
txx 00000414 21 (EDsw_c02k_kemuri3.njm)
txx 0000043C 21 (EDsw_c02k_kemuri3.njs)
txx 00000464 12 (EDsw_c03.nsc)
txx 00000484 2 (@`)
txx 0000048C 15 (EDsw_c03kemu.nj)
txx 000004AC 2 ( a)
txx 000004B4 16 (EDsw_c03kemu.njm)
txx 000004DC 12 (EDsw_c03s.nj)
txx 00000504 13 (EDsw_c03s.njm)
txx 00000524 2 ( ;)
txx 0000052C 21 (EDsw_c03s_Camera0.njc)
txx 00000554 21 (EDsw_c03s_Camera0.njm)
txx 0000057C 12 (EDsw_c04.nsc)
txx 000005A4 21 (EDsw_c04s_Camera0.njc)
txx 000005CC 18 (EDsw_c04s_Null0.nj)
txx 000005F4 19 (EDsw_c04s_Null0.njm)
txx 00000618 2 (@`)
txx 0000061C 19 (EDsw_c04s_Null0.njs)
txx 00000644 22 (EDsw_c04s_null_kemu.nj)
txx 0000066C 23 (EDsw_c04s_null_kemu.njm)
txx 00000694 23 (EDsw_c04s_null_kemu.njs)
txx 000006BC 12 (EDsw_c05.nsc)
txx 000006E4 12 (EDsw_c05s.nj)
txx 0000070C 13 (EDsw_c05s.njm)
txx 00000734 21 (EDsw_c05s_Camera0.njc)
txx 0000075C 21 (EDsw_c05s_Camera0.njm)
txx 00000784 12 (EDsw_c06.nsc)
txx 000007AC 12 (EDsw_c06d.nj)
txx 000007D4 13 (EDsw_c06d.njm)
txx 000007FC 22 (EDsw_c06sg_Camera0.njc)
txx 00000824 19 (EDsw_c06sg_Null0.nj)
txx 0000084C 20 (EDsw_c06sg_Null0.njm)
txx 00000874 20 (EDsw_c06sg_Null02.nj)
txx 0000089C 21 (EDsw_c06sg_Null02.njm)
txx 000008C4 12 (EDsw_c07.nsc)
txx 000008EC 12 (EDsw_c07D.nj)
txx 00000914 13 (EDsw_c07D.njm)
txx 0000093C 22 (EDsw_c07sg_Camera0.njc)
txx 00000964 19 (EDsw_c07sg_Null0.nj)
txx 0000098C 20 (EDsw_c07sg_Null0.njm)
txx 000009B4 20 (EDsw_c07sg_Null02.nj)
txx 000009DC 21 (EDsw_c07sg_Null02.njm)
txx 00000A04 12 (EDsw_c08.nsc)
txx 00000A2C 12 (EDsw_c08D.nj)
txx 00000A54 13 (EDsw_c08D.njm)
txx 00000A7C 22 (EDsw_c08sg_Camera0.njc)
txx 00000AA4 19 (EDsw_c08sg_Null0.nj)
txx 00000ACC 20 (EDsw_c08sg_Null0.njm)
txx 00000AF0 2 (`))
txx 00000AF4 20 (EDsw_c08sg_Null02.nj)
txx 00000B14 2 ( u)
txx 00000B1C 21 (EDsw_c08sg_Null02.njm)
txx 00000B44 12 (EDsw_c09.nsc)
txx 00000B6C 22 (EDsw_c09sg_Camera0.njc)
txx 00000B94 19 (EDsw_c09sg_Null0.nj)
txx 00000BBC 20 (EDsw_c09sg_Null0.njm)
txx 00000BE4 20 (EDsw_c09sg_Null02.nj)
txx 00000C0C 21 (EDsw_c09sg_Null02.njm)
txx 00000C34 10 (enkei6.pvr)
txx 00000C5C 9 (gake3.pvr)
txx 00000C84 11 (img0079.pvr)
txx 00000CAC 7 (Isi.pvr)
txx 00000CCC 2 (@t)
txx 00000CD4 10 (jimen2.pvr)
txx 00000CFC 10 (jimen3.pvr)
txx 00000D24 10 (jimen4.pvr)
txx 00000D44 2 ( =)
txx 00000D4C 9 (juki1.pvr)
txx 00000D74 9 (juki2.pvr)
txx 00000D94 2 (`x)
txx 00000D9C 9 (miki2.pvr)
txx 00000DC4 9 (miti1.pvr)
txx 00000DEC 16 (shoujo_BOOTS.pvr)
txx 00000E14 16 (shoujo_FACE2.pvr)
txx 00000E3C 18 (shoujo_fingerL.pvr)
txx 00000E64 18 (shoujo_fingerR.pvr)
txx 00000E8C 15 (shoujo_KAMI.pvr)
txx 00000EB4 15 (shoujo_MIMI.pvr)
txx 00000EDC 16 (shoujo_MOUTH.pvr)
txx 00000F04 17 (shoujo_SKARTa.pvr)
txx 00000F24 2 (`=)
txx 00000F2C 17 (shoujo_SKARTb.pvr)
txx 00000F54 15 (shoujo_SKIN.pvr)
txx 00000F7C 15 (shoujo_SODE.pvr)
txx 00000FA4 15 (shoujo_UWAa.pvr)
txx 00000FCC 15 (shoujo_UWAb.pvr)
txx 00000FF4 16 (shoujo_ZUKIN.pvr)
txx 0000101C 9 (sora1.pvr)
txx 00001044 9 (sora2.pvr)
txx 0000106C 9 (sora5.pvr)
txx 00001094 12 (sougen_e.pvr)
txx 000010BC 17 (sougen_light2.njl)
txx 000010E4 17 (sougen_yuugata.nj)
txx 0000110C 18 (sougen_yuugata.njm)
txx 00001134 8 (swd1.pvr)
txx 00001155 2 (y!)
txx 0000115C 13 (swd_boots.pvr)
txx 0000117D 2 ($")
txx 00001184 12 (swd_earL.pvr)
txx 000011A5 2 (O")
txx 000011AC 12 (swd_earR.pvr)
txx 000011CD 2 (z")
txx 000011D4 15 (swd_haekiwa.pvr)
txx 000011FC 15 (swd_l_zub_b.pvr)
txx 00001224 15 (swd_l_zub_f.pvr)
txx 0000124C 13 (swd_mantF.pvr)
txx 0000126D 2 (&#)
txx 00001274 11 (swd_nec.pvr)
txx 00001295 2 (P#)
txx 0000129C 12 (swd_necT.pvr)
txx 000012C4 15 (swd_r_zub_b.pvr)
txx 000012EC 15 (swd_r_zub_f.pvr)
txx 00001314 12 (s_fuku_f.pvr)
txx 0000133C 12 (s_fuku_r.pvr)
txx 00001364 11 (s_sodeL.pvr)
txx 00001384 3 ( R%)
txx 0000138C 12 (s_sodeL2.pvr)
txx 000013B4 11 (s_sodeR.pvr)
txx 000013DC 12 (s_sodeR2.pvr)
txx 00001404 19 (T-Haikyo-Kabe-c.pvr)
txx 0000142C 13 (T1-hasira.pvr)
txx 00001454 14 (T1-hasira2.pvr)
txx 00001475 2 (8&)
txx 0000147C 13 (T1-Kabe-I.pvr)
txx 0000149D 2 (V&)
txx 000014A4 11 (T1-Kabe.pvr)
txx 000014C4 3 ( t&)
txx 000014CC 14 (T1-Kaidan3.pvr)
txx 000014F4 16 (T1-To-kazari.pvr)
txx 0000151C 14 (T1-Tobira2.pvr)
txx 00001544 12 (T1-Yane2.pvr)
txx 0000156C 12 (T1-Yuka3.pvr)
txx 00001594 13 (T1-Yuka3a.pvr)
txx 000015BC 9 (T2-E1.pvr)
txx 000015DD 2 (3')
txx 000015E4 9 (T2-e2.pvr)
txx 00001604 3 ( Q')
txx 0000160C 10 (T2-e2h.pvr)
txx 0000162D 2 (n')
txx 00001634 10 (T2-e2m.pvr)
txx 0000165C 12 (T2-Kaba1.pvr)
txx 00001684 10 (T2-Tou.pvr)
txx 000016AC 14 (T3-Kaba1-2.pvr)
txx 000016D4 12 (T3-Kaba1.pvr)
txx 000016FC 12 (T3-Kaba2.pvr)
txx 00001724 10 (T3-Tou.pvr)
txx 0000174C 12 (T4-Kaba1.pvr)
txx 0000176D 2 (+()
txx 00001774 12 (T4-Kaba2.pvr)
txx 00001794 3 (`I()
txx 0000179C 12 (T4-Kaba3.pvr)
txx 000017BD 2 (g()
txx 000017C4 20 (T4-Tokeiban-Hari.pvr)
txx 000017EC 20 (T4-Tokeiban-Naka.pvr)
txx 00001814 15 (T4-Tokeiban.pvr)
txx 0000183C 25 (Tokeitou_Last_null19_1.nj)
txx 00001864 14 (Tokeitou_R.pvr)
txx 00001884 3 ( j-)
txx 0000188C 11 (ENDlogo.PVR)
txx 000018C0 4 (GBIX)
txx 000018CC 8 ( PVRT)
txx 000018F9 2 (*f)
txx 000018FF 2 ()C)
txx 00001905 2 ()e)
txx 0000191B 2 ()U)
txx 00001923 2 ()w)
Нашёл немного вот такого текста в файле SATICPRESSUSA.BIN:
(click to show/hide)txx 0006C7E4 8 (Will EXP)
txx 0006C7F0 9 (Diploma S)
txx 0006C7FC 7 (Charm Q)
txx 0006C804 12 (Escape Fruit)
txx 0006C814 11 (Yum Chicken)
txx 0006C820 9 (Rune Cola)
txx 0006C82C 9 (V-Up Cola)
txx 0006C838 22 (Restores 50 hit points)
txx 0006C850 24 (Restores 30 magic points)
txx 0006C86C 34 (Restores HP & MP outside of$battle)
txx 0006C890 22 (Super charges vitality)
txx 0006C8A8 29 (Cures all Curses on Character)
txx 0006C8C8 22 (Removes hex from items)
txx 0006C8E0 25 (Restores 50 hunger points)
txx 0006C8FC 28 (Fully restores hunger points)
txx 0006C91C 16 (Revives monsters)
txx 0006C930 31 (100 pts Fire damage to everyone)
txx 0006C950 34 (100 pts Ice damage to all everyone)
txx 0006C974 40 (100 pts Lightning damage to all$everyone)
txx 0006C9A0 31 (100 pts damage to all on ground)
txx 0006C9C0 25 (100 pts damage to all air)
txx 0006C9DC 24 (100 pts dmg to one party)
txx 0006C9F8 34 (1 turn, attackers take 100 pts dmg)
txx 0006CA1C 31 (Doubles penetration for 5 turns)
txx 0006CA3C 26 (Doubles damage for 5 turns)
txx 0006CA58 30 (Doubles protection for 5 turns)
txx 0006CA78 33 (Half armor protection for 5 turns)
txx 0006CA9C 34 (Half ability to defend for 5 turns)
txx 0006CAC0 34 (Half applicable damage for 5 turns)
txx 0006CAE4 32 (Carrying capacity increases by 4)
txx 0006CB08 22 (Acquire 4 bonus points)
txx 0006CB20 29 (Exchange hit and magic points)
txx 0006CB40 34 (VIT not reduced until after battle)
txx 0006CB64 34 (Defense increases 3 turns, no move)
txx 0006CB88 34 (Increases # of uses for jewel by 1)
txx 0006CBAC 34 (Increases levels of equipped items)
txx 0006CBD0 30 (Experience doubles for 5 turns)
txx 0006CBF0 31 (Shows monsters & items on floor)
txx 0006CC10 18 (Identifies an item)
txx 0006CC24 14 (Copies an item)
txx 0006CC34 30 (No damage for 1 turn after use)
txx 0006CC54 13 (Curses target)
txx 0006CC64 34 (Gain skills. Only within a dungeon)
txx 0006CC88 33 (Gain magic. Only within a dungeon)
txx 0006CCAC 19 (Casts a magic spell)
txx 0006CCC0 30 (Increases one parameter to 200)
txx 0006CCE0 33 (Doubles spell effects in a sector)
txx 0006CD04 32 (Fire spells stronger in a sector)
txx 0006CD28 31 (Ice spells stronger in a sector)
txx 0006CD48 32 (Ltng spells stronger in a sector)
txx 0006CD6C 34 (Skill attacks in a sector hit more)
txx 0006CD90 32 (All attacks become critical hits)
txx 0006CDB4 32 (Applies 50 points of fire damage)
txx 0006CDD8 31 (Applies 50 points of ice damage)
txx 0006CDF8 32 (Applies 50 points of ltng damage)
txx 0006CE1C 34 (Prevents curses. No restore$effect)
txx 0006CE40 34 (Killed monster becomes Tasty Fruit)
и т.д.
Как распаковать *.arc я не знаю.
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