В честь американского дня рождения Dreamcast Captain Dreamcast выложил новую версию файтингового движка Dolmexica Engine Version 1.0.1
Список изменений:
---CURRENT VERSION: 1.0.1---
~Changes introduced in 1.0.1:
* Artificial Intelligence: Enabled optional customized AI with Lua.
* Ogg Vorbis support: Optional Ogg playback during fights and menus.
Either streams or loads everything in the RAM, depending on the filesystem.
* Option Menu: Added an optional Option Menu with the following options:
Timer Start Value, Difficulty and Sound (leads to the old Sound Option menu).
* Moddability: The Main Menu and the Life Bar are now moddable.
* Pre-Compilation Configuration: CONFIG.h and CONFIG.MAKEFILE include options which can be
altered before compiling the main binary.
* Music stops when pausing the game: Curse you, Angry Video Game Nerd! Curse you and your
correct and justified nitpickery!
* Miscellaneous minor Bug fixes: Nothing noticeable, no gamebreaker-type Bugs.
Скачать движок и его исходный код можно здесь: https://sourceforge.net/projects/dolmexicaengine/files/D-ENGINE/PRECOMPILED/